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Zepboo Blog | Lighting Fixtures&Interior Design Trends&News | Zepboo

Shine Bright: How to Choose Best Lighting for Your Foyer and Entryway

Shine Bright: How to Choose Best Lighting for Your Foyer and Entryway

Welcome to Zepboo’s expert guide on selecting the best lighting for your foyer and entryway. This co ...

June 21, 2024 | By Chelsea Cheung

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How to Improve Bedroom Lighting | Lighting Ideas&Tips For Homeowners

How to Improve Bedroom Lighting | Lighting Ideas&Tips For Homeowners

As a homeowner, whether new or seasoned, understanding how to choose and install the perfect lightin ...

June 19, 2024 | By Chelsea Cheung

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What is The Best Lighting For a Dining Room | Types, Install, Solution

What is The Best Lighting For a Dining Room | Types, Install, Solution

At Zepboo, understanding how to choose and install the perfect dining room lighting is crucial. Whet ...

June 18, 2024 | By Chelsea Cheung

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How to Use Lighting to Enhance Living Room | Expert View Solutions

How to Use Lighting to Enhance Living Room | Guide For New Homeowner

Welcome to an insightful exploration of living room lighting, brought to you by Zepboo lighting expe ...

June 17, 2024 | By Chelsea Cheung

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A Completed Guide About Residential Lighting Types and Applications

A Completed Guide About Residential Lighting Types and Applications

Lighting is an essential aspect of any home, not just for visibility but for creating ambiance, enha ...

June 14, 2024 | By Chelsea Cheung

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